Reefimages Image Search

You may search the for images on reefimages website from this page

If you know what species you are interested in, the best way to search is by using either a genus or species name. You may also search by common names. However, many species have several different common names. We have used only the most widely used common name for each species on this web site so, if the species you are looking for by using its common name is not found, please search elsewhere on the web for the species name and try your search again. Good sources of species names include Fishbase and the World Register of Marine Species.

If you are interested in images from a particular location you may search by location name.    Note that only a small fraction of our total number of images appears on our website.

Please be patient. Our site has thousands of images and search can take a few seconds or longer.

NOTE: This search engine does not search or return results for the Introduction to Ocean Sciences textbook also hosted on this web site.

Photo Search Help

Search "OR" behavior which means that a search for a multi-word term such as - Emperor angelfish - would return all hits for either Emperor OR angelfish.

To require a multiword term place the term inside quotes "Emperor angelfish" and the search will include only items that have the entire term.

You can use a plus (+) sign, for example "Emperor +angelfish", to return all images that have metadata that includes both words but not necessarily together as a complete term

Often more useful on this site you can use a minus (-) sign, for example "Emperor -angelfish", to find images that have "Emperor" in their metdata but not "angelfish". The minus sign can be used more that once. For example "Emperor -angelfish - shrimp" will exclude both "Emperor angelfish" and Emperor shrimp" images and return only images of species in the emperor Family of fishes (included in our gallery titled "Groupers")

IMPORTANT NOTE: Search is case insensitive so "Emperor" and "emperor" are treated as the same.